
 The MTU Composition Program is launching Paw Prints: The Michigan Tech University Journal of First-Year Writing this semester and invites you to submit your article for publication! The goal of the journal is to highlight excellence in source-based writing by first-year students. 

We are writing to invite you to submit your journal article from any of the semesters from academic year 2023-2024 or Fall 2024). After submitting, if you are invited to revise and edit your submission for publication, you will receive a $100.00 publication scholarship toward your Fall 2025 tuition. In addition, you will be able to list your article as a peer-reviewed publication on your resume or CV. 

What to Do

Return to your saved material (either in Canvas or your hard drive) and review the final journal article that you wrote for UN 1015. If you’re proud of your work as is and feel like it’s in the best possible shape, just navigate to our submissions page:  Submissions | Paw Prints: The Michigan Tech University Journal of First-Year Writing, fill out your information, and submit a link or upload the draft. It's that easy! 

If you want, you can also make revisions or edits to your draft before submitting. 

Publication Process

The HU 3606: Editing class are creating and building the journal as part of their academic coursework. These MTU students are serving as the editorial board and are a mix of majors, backgrounds, and interests in a wide range of topics. 

The HU 3606: Editing students will be reviewing and making recommendations for pieces to include, which will involve a process of writing for publication. This means you will work with upper-division students on revising and editing your piece to polish it for appearance in the journal. Students who complete the suggested revisions and see their article through to publication will earn the scholarship credit, supported by the First-Year Writing Program at MTU. 

  • Your piece can be part of the first issue of this journal. If you have questions, feel free to email Professor Hassel, the Director of Composition and faculty instructor for HU 3606: Editing at [email protected] 

You can also contact our editorial board through this email address: [email protected]